财新传媒 财新传媒


Jeff Lu received his MBA degree in Finance from Yale School of Management in 1998, and Master of Science and Master of Philosophy degree in Physiology from Yale School of Medicine in 1996.Mr. Lu has worked as a research analyst and portfolio managerwithFranklin Investments, AIG and China Asset Management, each managing multi-billion dollar assets for retail and institutional clients.  Using the method of evidence-based scientific research, Jeff conducted his search for investment ideas in a similar fashion.  Once an experienced biotech and pharmaceutical industry analyst, Jeff has developed his skill and knowledge in investing in energy, material, industrial and technology sectors. He traveled to Russia, Brazil, Turkey, Kuwait, Chile, UAE, Canada, Australia, US, Britain, France, Belgium, Swiss to visit companies and meet with management.  He successfully managed global equity portfolio that significantly outperformed corresponding benchmark. 



陆旻(Lu Min),1998 毕业于耶鲁大学商学院。1996年从耶鲁大学医学院获生理学科学硕士和哲学硕士。曾就职于富兰克林,AIG和华夏基金等全球大型资产管理公司。借用研究自然科学的严谨方法,陆旻对国际上许多国家,行业和公司进行了深入客观的研究。作者有丰富的研究全球生物制药,能源,材料,工业和电子技术领域的经验。他曾前往俄罗斯,巴西,土耳其,科威特,智利,阿联酋,加拿大,澳大利亚,美国,英国,法国,比利时,瑞士等地,考察过许多公司。他所管理的全球股票投资组合,多年来显著地优于相应的国际基准指数。

凭借有力的数据和资料,这本书对全球变暖,石油危机,黄金本位和通货膨胀等热点话题提出了反主流的观点。在一个对环境危机、石油危机、金融危机、核危机充满恐慌的世界,作者以其理性、冷静的思考,给出有说服力的结论。这本书不是关于挑选股票,而是关于独立地思考,批判性地学习,理性地判断。同时, 作者将把该书的稿费捐献给中国的教育事业。你在购书的时候,也为落后地区的孩子们献出一份爱心。



Have you bought any alternative energy stocks?  Do you possess any gold to preserve the value of your saving? If you have made decisions of buying or not-buying those assets, have you thought carefully of why do you buy those assets, how do you make your decision, and what evidences have you collected? With extensive data and strong arguments, this book presented the author’s non-consensus views on global warming, oil crisis, gold standard and inflation, etc. hot topics.  In a world of climate crisis, oil crisis, financial crisis, nuclear crisis, this book provided rational, sober, different views toward mainstream, wolf-crying headlines. This book is not a about picking stocks, but about thinking independently, learning critically, and judging rationally.







28篇文章 6年前更新
